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Screaming Fields Festival 2024

Official Rules and Conditions

I. Organizer of the Screaming Fields Festival

The organizer of the above-mentioned festival and its call for applications is the CMA - Établissement public Centre de Musiques Amplifiées Rockhal (5, Avenue du Rock'n'Roll, L-4361 Esch/Alzette).


II. Eligibility

1. Any physical person (on their own behalf or as a representative of a band) aged between 12 and 25 fulfilling the conditions for participation and residing in Luxembourg or who is a national of Luxembourg may participate in the above-mentioned call for applications. In case a group of persons want to participate as an entity or band, their average age is considered.


2. The organizer reserves the right to check this information by asking for valid proof.


3. Persons under the age of 18 must obtain the consent of their legal representative(s) to participate. The organizer shall be entitled to ask minor participants at any time to submit proof of the consent of their legal representative(s).


4. The call for applications is open for bands and artists from the following musical genres (including all subgenres): pop, rock, metal, hip hop, electronic music, jazz, blues.


5. The organizer shall be entitled to exclude a participant from taking part in the above-mentioned call for applications at any time in case of violation of the present conditions for participation.


III. Beginning and end of the call for applications

1. The call for applications begins on 15 April 2024. The call ends on 13 May 2024.


2. All conditions for participation must be fulfilled on the sign-up deadline for the application to be valid.


IV. Conditions for participation

In order to participate in the above-mentioned call for applications, the participant shall perform the following actions:


a. Complete the online application form and accept the Official Rules. The participant shall submit the following contact data to take part in the application: artist name, email address, surname, first name, date of birth, (average) age, home address, links to artist website or social media. The personal data collected will be used confidentially and for identification and contact purposes only.


b. Submit the audio & video recording of a live performance or rehearsal in order to complete their participation. This recording will not be published. Only the selection committee of the festival will have access to it.


c. Submit two artist pictures in high resolution (1x portrait, 1x landscape).


VI. Selection procedure, rehearsals, festival and prize

1. A public voting will take place online from 15 May to 29 May 2024. The general audience can submit votes for their favourite artists online on


2. At the same time, a selection committee comprising local promoters, music experts and artists will select the acts they deem most promising. They will judge the creativity and originality of the applicant’s music and their live potential. The audio and video recording quality of the submitted live recording will not be taken into account.


3. The results of the public voting and the selection committee will be taken into account at 50% each to determine the final line-up of the festival. The 8 candidates having received the most favourable ranking will be retained.


4. The 8 finalists are committed to perform each a live set of 20 min. comprised of 4-5 songs during the festival on 06 July 2024. Out of the 4-5 songs, only 1 cover is allowed. The rest must be original songs.


5. The finalists are committed to attend the preparation meeting and vocal coaching on 08 June, the live rehearsals (1 day between 14 – 19 June) and the soundchecks (1 day between 04 – 06 July).


6. Within the framework of the festival, the participants have the possibility to win the following prizes:

  • Screaming Fields Live Music Accelerator: access to Rocklab’s Screaming Fields Live Music Accelerator, enabling the winner to develop their live music skills with the help of several mentoring, coaching & counselling sessions (vocal, technical & stage coaching); project follow-up and mentoring sessions by Rocklab and with the help of Jonk Entrepreneuren Luxembourg ; live opportunities; 1 year free access to Rocklab’s rehearsal rooms; a gift voucher at Stage Music (200.- EUR)

  • Booker’s Choices - further live opportunities offered by Rocklab’s live partners, such as De Gudde Wëllen, E-Lake, Kulturfabrik, Rotondes, SNJ…


A selection committee composed of Rockhal board members, Rockhal’s booking department, Kultur I lx and artists will select the winner of the Screaming Fields Live Music Accelerator.


The Booker’s Choices will be decided independently by the promoters and bookers present at the day of the festival.


VII. Participant's legal obligations

1. The participant is solely responsible for the content sent during his participation.


2. By applying for the Screaming Fields Festival, the participant warrants that his contribution is an original work and does not violate any third party's copyrights or intellectual property rights. The participant undertakes to hold the organizer harmless against any claims of third parties in case of violation of such rights.


3. The organizer reserves the right to refuse contributions to the above-mentioned call for applications without explanation of reason if such contributions are potentially considered as discriminatory, offensive, xenophobic, harassing, homophobic or sexist.


VIII. Image rights, broadcasting, data

In accordance with the provisions regarding image rights, the participant shall grant the organizer of the above-mentioned call for applications and his partners within the framework of the performance of the project Screaming Fields Festival the right to record, use, process and broadcast videos and pictures, or parts thereof, of the live performance, free of charge for promotional purposes, by means of any media, especially digital media, social networks, radio, television, written press or projection.


The CMA will respect all rights, in particular moral rights, of the beneficiaries related to sound and musical works filmed and recorded as non-transferable, inalienable and imprescriptible rights.


In this context, the CMA informs the participant that, for the purpose of carrying out the project in question, it shall process the following data concerning the participant: name, address, any invoices and other similar documents, proof of payment, hours worked, exchange of correspondence between the parties and other documents relating to the relationship between the parties. The data will not be disclosed to any third party, with the exception of public authorities (in particular the tax authorities) and the trustee/accountant. The data will be kept for 10 years after the end of the contractual relationship. The participant has a right of access to his/her data, as well as a right of rectification in the event of a material error.


The participant declares to be the holder or to have all rights related to his/her performance or intervention as well as to the works taken up and interpreted within the framework of the Screaming Fields Festival. In this context, the participant expressly undertakes to hold CMA harmless and indemnify CMA from any possible action by third parties to this agreement.


IX. Final clauses

1. Participation in the call for applications and festival is free of charge for the participant.


2. The organizer reserves the right to modify the application process and the present conditions for participation at any time, to extend or limit the deadline or to end the application without prior notice and explanation of reasons.

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